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surgical mask Thanks for letting me vent. I always drive the speed limit on all these roads. Other drivers hate me for it, but I’d rather do that than have the roads changed so that it takes twice as long (if not longer) to get out of my neighborhood. Utilities that once promoted the consumption of electric power are now preaching abstinence and conservation with diligent enthusiasm.Besides, what is there left to burn? True, we have two or three centuries’ worth of coal in the ground, worldwide, at current rates of extraction. But unless we have foolproof that? foolproof? methods of sequestering the carbon, we’ll turn the planet into Venus if we burn it.Oil? Many reliable sources believe we’ve already hit peak oil, that is, the historical date at which available supply begins to decline but demand remains robust or continues to rise. Could go some way to explain the doubling of oil prices over the past two years surgical mask.