This soil was chosen because of its importance as a long term repository for metal enriched sludge applied to arable land, providing a suitable medium on which to study trace metal behaviour.Pore waters were extracted and analysed for major and trace cations and anions, pH, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) at two different temperatures (5 degrees Celsius and 15 degrees Celsius) steroids, in order to evaluate the extent of bacterial activity, organic decomposition and their consequences on solute composition steroids, during pore water extractions. Speciation was estimated from analysis of pore water chemistry using two software packages (PHREEQCi and WHAM VI).Pore waters showed different ranges of concentration between the various methods. Different mechanisms and/or chemical reactions were involved during the different extractions; a range of processes was identified, mainly dominated by metal complexation by humus acids and redox reactions.

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