Designer Replica Bags Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary the airline was voted the worst short haul carrier operating in the UK for the sixth year in a rowGet the biggest daily news stories by emailSubscribeSee our privacy noticeMore newslettersI’ve heard of cancelled flights, queues for priority boarding and a cost that turned out to be a lot dearer than when first advertised on the booking site.Ryanair seem to be the worst offender. In a recent Which? survey, they were voted worst short haul carrier operating in the UK for the sixth year in a row.The airline say consumer surveys do not reflect reality and point to an 85% satisfaction score.But turn that around and it still leaves a lot of unhappy flyers.This year, Ryanair will fly 140 million passengers. But it looks like the shine may be starting to come off their business model.They have already had to announce two recent profit warnings, and this week reported a loss on their last quarter’s trading figures.With most airlines, we used to expect to be taken from one airport we’ve heard of to another we have also heard of.Within the industry, Ryanair won a lot of credit for persuading us to fly from airports we may have heard of, to ones we have not.The beauty of that approach is obscure little airports tend to charge a lot less for landing and turnaround fees.Happy days for Ryanair.Not so much for the customers, who find themselves with considerable distances to travel.Or, in the case of passengers who headed to Copenhagen in Denmark, in a different country after landing in Malmo, Sweden.Easyjet reveals it lost million over Gatwick drone chaosTo disguise the problem Ryanair persuaded these small, secondary airports to change name to that of a nearby big city.Or, in the case Frankfurt Hahn, a city 120km away.To test out this experience for my programme Ryanair: Britain’s Most Hated Airline? on Channel 5, I asked the Cameron family, from Manchester, to fly to Venice.Mum Kerry and daughter Alicia went Ryanair.But Ryanair landed at Treviso airport, a 40 minute coach trip from Venice that cost another And with Ryanair, priority boarding involved a 25 minute queue while those who hadn’t paid extra walked straight onto the plane. Designer Replica Bags

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