How Michael Cohen Protects Trump

And as part of reporting on Cohen’s history of legal threats, so is a previously little noticed claim regarding Daniels.

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“In October of 2016, Michael Cohen made threats against my client Stormy Daniels, as it related to pressuring her to enter into the NDA and accept the $130,000 payment,” Avenatti told NPR, but he offered no additional details when pressed.

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For Cohen, no target was too big. Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly put tough questions to Trump at a Republican presidential debate. Cohen later retweeted someone who had written, “we can gut her.”

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Cohen’s legal threats have generally been done in private and stayed that way. But in 2015, when I was reporting for The Daily Beast, canada goose outlet washington dc an online news outlet, Trump’s campaign was in ascendancy.

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When I reached out to campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks about the claim in the book, I got an angry call from Cohen in return.

His first tactic was to try to persuade me not to run the story but he did so by falsely claiming that spousal rape was not a crime.

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