They already know that the more tactical tinge of Wildlands sells because absolutely topped the charts when it launched, and they know that it can sustain a playerbase in the long term (as seen with R6:Siege), so what is all this about? Are they actually trying their hardest to self sabotage? I can already forsee the middling reviews and impressions at launch.Hatchlings exist because they need to farm moneyI simply do not believe this, literally every single hatchling I have killed so far this patch has been level 30 or above (the last one was level 45; he was running the key spawns in the North wing of Resort), and I am casting huge doubt on the idea that they are at poverty (let sayFrom what I observed, hatchlings are essentially gold farmers. Tetriz, Bitcoin, etc.), and purposefully die if they either cannot find what they looking for, or have filled up their secure container.This is because they not actually trying to extract with gear, or even anything worth selling in order to fund a future loadout, they looking for the absolute most liquid, most valuable items that they can flip into easy millions, and they run the same routes over and over again until they found them. When was the last time you saw a Hatchling with so much as a gun on his back? Or a sling? They not looking for gear, or anything worth selling, it just keys, roubles, bitcoin, etc. anti theft backpack for travel, shit that easily liquidized.People who need money use other means Scav runs, pistol runs, cheap runs, etc.

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