COOPER: But let’s go back to the 601 waiver, which you identified. This is an extraordinary issue and document. It isn’t granted across the board. These will announce the fact that you buy old newspapers. They need not be anything fancy, just simple attention getting announcements that you’re open for business and paying for paper. Generally, the going rate for newspapers dropped off at a central collection depot is 2 cents per pound, and the papers need not be bundled.

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cheap canada goose Coli bacteria, which can then end up in the water supply and pose health risks.Steve Wambolt’s self built $6,000 small helicopter scares away geese. (CBC)Plant shrubs to keep geese off beachesBut Hughes says other cities like Mississauga have taken more feasible steps to reduce goose numbers, including planting tall plants and shrubs along shorelines and getting permits to destroy the birds’ eggs.The National Capital Commission’s Mario Fournier said that by planting shrubs and installing fences at Champlain Bridge Park, they’ve been able to stop geese from nesting there.”Once they’re nesting in one area, they keep coming back to the same area,” said Fournier, adding that populations have been cut in half since the measures were introduced in 2010.City officials have said daily sweeps at Petrie Island are having an impact on geese populations. The city is looking at expanding the pilot drone program to other beaches next year if early results prove promising cheap canada goose.