On her 16th birthday, Sushmita Sen told Renee that she could access information about the details of her adoption from the court when she turns 18. “I told her we don’t know if the court has the names of her biological parents’ but there is information in an envelope which is only rightfully hers after she turns 18. I didn’t want to give her the wrong information because I did not want her to go there and get her heart broken.

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Edit: Suggest to him (if he not willing to script accutane) a topical retinoid, I using Tretinion cream and its pretty good for your skin. Below the topic retinoids you should try benzoyl peroxide which you can get prescribed at a GP, or even off script depending where you live. A note though: you can use both, but the peroxide counters the effects of the topical retinoid completely..

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