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wholesale dildos [score hidden] submitted 1 hour agoI think we can reasonably conclude that the government isn going to find an army of highly skilled developers spare, between now and April, with which to produce a complex system that no one seems to have even specified yet.The government also has a track record of screwing up large technical projects. I would guess that they keep changing their bloody mind (see also how quickly Brexit plans keep changing), and they have a lack of anyone highly skilled in project delivery to oversee these. 2 points submitted 1 day agoI may not agree with how you put this, but I have to admit I unimpressed by the people who seem to be going “I throwing my toys out of the pram and moving to Canada!”.It neither something to do lightly sex toys, nor that easy, and that people are starting to make plans to emigrate to countries which require visas/work permits now just continues the myth that we don need freedom of movement because visas are simple.Brexit has been a catalyst for me getting sorted and leaving male sex toys, but it not like it my only issue, and if we do abort Brexit I not going to be in Canada going “Well now I feel silly and will just move back” wholesale dildos.