Have put Narsingh argument. We have full faith in the NADA panel. We are trying to convince them. The everyday scenes are full of bold colors and dynamic camera angles, and when it comes time for a fight scene steroids, the show cuts loose with evocative smears, spinning cameras, and wild linework. The various fight scenes are distinctive enough in their animation that this episode essentially comes off like the animation version of a rock medley full of guitar solos, with one animator lending exaggerated, smear heavy energy to the fight with the colossus and the next bringing the subterraneans to life through wild camerawork and dramatic impact frames. Even the less frantic scenes feature beautiful visual composition one that stuck out to me was the lead in to the colossus fight steroids, where Saitama’s grocery shopping was deliberately framed in small terms (there was even a nicely animated shot of him fishing for loose change) in order to strike a greater contrast when the monster arrived.That scene was also a great example of how well One Punch Man creates a sense of scale.

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