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Simsek’s wife served Turkish coffee and sweets, and Simsek showed me the binders that he had collected of Gulen’s writings over the years, as well as the books of Gulen’s sermons that he had helped publish.

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Fethullah Gulen speaks to members of the media at his canada goose coats uk compound on July 16. He has denied Turkey’s accusation that he was involved in that country’s coup attempt. (AP Photo/Chris Post)

When I visited Gulen’s enclave in the Poconos, less than a week after the failed Turkish coup, his followers were at pains to cast him as a gentle scholar full of love just as the Turkish government and its emissaries in Washington canada goose outlet in chicago were at pains to cast Gulen as anything but.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has canada goose outlet vancouver blamed Gulen and his movement, known as Hizmet Turkish for “service” for the coup attempt, allegations that Gulen denies. In the weeks since,Erdogan’sgovernment has arrested more than ten thousand of Gulen’s alleged followers and has called for Gulen’s extradition.

At canada goose outlet belgium the secluded compound in the Poconos, the developments have caused a lot of stress although Gulen’s followers say the anxiety results more from concern for their fellow Turks back home than it does from a concern that Gulen will ever be extradited.

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Fethullah Gulen is an Islamic scholar and cleric from Turkey. He left Turkey in 1999, and is now living in self imposed exile in Pennsylvania. (Claritza Jimenez,Jason Aldag/The Washington Post)

A Wall Street Journal reporter and I were allowed to take a chaperoned visit to Gulen’ssalon, where an aide presented the man himself, seated silently on a sofa, looking canada goose outlet winnipeg tired. Above him, there wasa framed picture of the words “muhabet dugam” Turkish for “continuation of love” written in Arabic script.

The aide, canada goose outlet black friday sale Alp Aslandogan, who heads the Alliance of Shared Values, a New York based umbrella organization for various Gulen aligned American non profits, mumbled to Gulen in Turkish, and along with another aide, helped lift the the 77 year oldinto a standing posture. Aslandogan told the other reporter and Ithatwe could take Gulen’s picture.

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Marsha Beers, an area resident whose ex husband, Howard Beers Jr.,is a local official and contractor who helped build and refurbish the compound, said her home, too,is full of gifts from Gulen and his followers.

One year, she said, the Gulenists took Beers and her then husband to Turkey “to meet their counterparts over there.”.