Couple issues with this:First, what you asking for requires a lot of work. We women (and some men and some people who don adhere to a gender binary!) who have lives, families, significant others, friends, loved ones hair extensions, jobs hair extensions, commitments, etc. And asking someone to thanklessly devote a huge chunk of time to reddit is kind of ridiculous.

Lace Wigs The main benefit of a lace front wig is the fully convincing realism simulated by this hand constructed hairline.The transparent mesh of a lace front hairline floats over the natural hairline, letting the skin show through. If the lace front is “welded,” so that each thread crossing in the mesh is heat fused hair extensions, it can be custom trimmed without unraveling or stretching out of shape.Sometimes hair extensions, the color may vary from different computer monitors or at different light sights, but it is not the issue of quality.1) Find the front and the back of wig (the label goes in back).2) Brush your own hair back; securing longer pieces with a hair pin and place a wig cap over your head (keeps the wig securely in place.)3) Grasp the wig at the top and slip it over your head from your natural hairline to the natural hairline in the back.4) The wig should feel secure but no too tight. You can adjust your wig for a secure, comfortable fit.5) Style as you would your own hair. Lace Wigs

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wigs online They will lose their shape and you will get odd lumps wherever they were in contact with what you hung them on. I think that leggings may be an exception to this rule, because you actually want gravity to lengthen the legs, but I only have one pair of ancient leggings that I just wear to do yoga in the house hair extensions, so I don know (any thoughts on this from leggings fanatics?) Anyway, if you going to air dry knits (which you must if they contain animal fibre, are heavy, or say so on the care label) dry them flat, in their correct shape, on top of a towel. You have to flip them over at some point for complete drying. wigs online

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