Indeed, any quantum theory of gravity must be able to reproduce Einstein’s model when quantum effects are negligible. With that in mind, we will discuss the asymptotics of spin foam models, in particular the EPRL/FK prescription, and note the non trivial issues that arise in the course of that study.In order to provide context to the discussion wholesale steroids, first we will briefly introduce spin foam models as a state sum formulation of Loop Quantum Gravity, the canonical quantization program of Einstein’s theory, giving a short review of the LQG formalism and the issues that led to the construction of spin foams. We will then briefly refer to some historical aspects of this line of study, starting with the original discussion based on BF theory that resulted in the Ponzano Regge model for 3 dimensional gravity, and proceed to 4 dimensional models and the issues that led to the crafting of the EPRL/FK model.

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