In July of 1952 they made the move to Terrace and built a house on Lazelle Street that is now the site of the Lazelle Mini Mall. Sam worked at the airport and then worked on construction of the new Skeena High School. Sam also worked constructing the Alcan dock; for MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.; helped build the Terrace/Kitimat highway which opened in 1957; he worked on construction of the Digby Island Airport in Prince Rupert; he bought a gravel truck and named his company Sam Horner Trucking Co.

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This was something that was really meaningful because this was something that my mom did for me. To have this opportunity to carry it on and give it to Kassie, it meaningful. Touching her and singing to her and having her feel the vibrations from me.

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Premier Christy Clark announced she was sending in her “A Team” to question Enbridge at the Joint Review Panel hearings in Edmonton Thursday. Liberals continue to hide from taking a position on the controversial pipeline proposal. Interests at the Enbridge hearings as Lake and Plant hear flight attendants talk about safety procedures aboard an aircraft.

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