An online and timely updated context reference model is built using unsupervised nonparametric statistical methods, namely Kalman and Hampel filters, through analyzing the temporal and spatial correlation of the consistency between mobility information to adapt to the highly dynamic vehicular context. Vehicles’ behaviors are evaluated locally and autonomously according to the consistency, plausibility, and reliability of their mobility information. The results from extensive simulations show that HCA MDS outperforms existing solutions in increasing the detection rate by 38% and decreasing the false positive rate by 7%.

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steroids A. And Donahue, M. And Main, R. Speak to your hospital team as you may be able to have vaginalhormone cream or hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which can both help. If you use vaginal hormones then most of the hormone is absorbed locally with only a small amount entering the bloodstream. There are also water based lubricating gels, such as Sylk or Replens which can be used to help with the dryness and can be used with a vaginal dilator or when having sexual intercourse steroids.