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Then he gets up and charges after Theo and starts talking

There is a few different meanings of “Meier” which you would translate differently. It could refer to a noble in charge of all matters of administration of his feudal overlord, in which case “steward” might be a good translations (think Hausmeier of the frankish kings). On the other hand it also (especially from the late middle ages on) referred to people working in the day to day administration of feudal estates.

A Republican former federal prosecutor, Mr. Comey seemed at first to be laying the groundwork for some kind of legal charge. Clinton handed over to the State Department male sex doll male sex doll, 110 contained information that was classified at the time she sent or received them.

I was answering an unrelated poll and it brought to mind a couple embarrassing toy moments I had in the last 3 or 4 years since I started to really expand my toys. The first being I had a toy fall out of my purse when a cop pulled my car over and asked for my ID. The second was a rather complicated roomie situation that ended with me calling the police because I thought she was doing drugs in my house, and their drug sniffing dog went into MY room and started sniffing in the night table by my bed that had a bunch of lotions and massage oils and toys in it.

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